

Check out http://www.gridskipper.com/travel/dublin/index.php. A Blog of information on Dublin.

Including a review of a bar we just might have to check out.

"If you’re in Dublin and looking for a respectable and traditional watering hole with a stellar reputation for “trad” – that is, traditional live Irish music – avoid the overpriced and over-developed Temple Bar nightlife area. Instead, head across the Liffey to The Cobblestones, slightly off the beaten track on Smithfield Market. Get there early, as it fills up. And for good reason, says one local reviewer:
The Cobblestones in Smithfield is now fast becoming a Mecca for music fans. Starting from Thursdays running through to Saturday, this venue rocks, stomps and leaves music fans agog with the incredible live shows put on by extraordinary musicians.
If you hadn’t heard, even the non-geriatric Irish take their fiddling and boudrán-banging very seriously, which means it’s an all (drinking) ages deal. Meanwhile, The Cobblestons’ trad cred is further sealed by the fact that it doesn’t have a website. Finally, if you don’t know what a boudrán is, it’s the little drum in the pic above. According to wikipedia, there are numerous boudrán-playing styles, the most common being the “Kerry style, which uses a two-headed tipper,” which sounds like some sort of a Republican hit-job fantasy, except even more fun.
The CobblestonesNorth King StreetDublin 1Phone: +353 1 872 1799"


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